How To Draw An Apple: A Step-By-Step Guide

how to draw a apple

Learning how to draw an apple is a great way to improve your artistic skills. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced artist, drawing an apple can be a fun and satisfying experience. In this article, we will show you step-by-step how to create a beautiful apple drawing.

Materials Needed

Before we start, let's gather the materials we need. You will need a pencil, eraser, paper, and colored pencils or markers if you want to add color to your drawing.

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these steps to draw an apple:

  1. Start by drawing a large circle for the body of the apple.
  2. Add a smaller circle on top of the first circle for the stem.
  3. Draw a small curve on top of the stem for the leaf.
  4. Add a curved line from the top of the apple to the bottom for the crease.
  5. Draw a curved line at the bottom of the apple for the shadow.
  6. Erase any unnecessary lines and add color if desired.

Shading Techniques

Shading is an important part of creating a realistic apple drawing. You can use different techniques such as cross-hatching, stippling, or blending with a blending tool. Experiment with different shading methods to find the one that works best for you.

Adding Texture

Adding texture to your apple drawing can make it look more realistic. You can use different strokes such as lines, dots, or scribbles to create texture. Look at real apples to get an idea of the texture you want to create.

Drawing Different Types of Apples

There are many different types of apples, each with its unique shape and color. To draw different types of apples, you need to observe their unique characteristics and incorporate them into your drawing. Practice drawing different types of apples to improve your skills.

Drawing an Apple in Different Perspectives

Drawing an apple from different perspectives can add interest to your drawing. Experiment with different angles such as a side view, top view, or bottom view to create a unique drawing.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Like any other skill, drawing takes practice. Keep practicing to improve your skills and develop your unique style.


What if I make a mistake?

Don't worry if you make a mistake, use your eraser to correct it.

Can I use a pen instead of a pencil?

Yes, you can use a pen, but it's better to start with a pencil so you can make corrections easily.

How long does it take to draw an apple?

It depends on your skill level and the level of detail you want to add. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more.

Should I use a reference image?

Using a reference image can help you create a more realistic drawing. Look at real apples or photos of apples to get an idea of the shape and color.

Can I add color to my drawing?

Yes, you can use colored pencils, markers, or paint to add color to your drawing.

What if I don't have colored pencils or markers?

You can still create a beautiful drawing with just a pencil. Experiment with shading techniques to add depth and interest to your drawing.

Can I draw an apple digitally?

Yes, you can use digital drawing software such as Adobe Illustrator or Procreate to create a digital apple drawing.

How can I improve my drawing skills?

Practice regularly, take art classes, and study the work of other artists to improve your skills.

What should I do with my finished drawing?

You can frame it, give it as a gift, or use it as a decoration in your home.


Drawing an apple is a fun and satisfying way to improve your artistic skills. It's a great way to practice shading, texture, and perspective. Plus, you can create a beautiful artwork that you can be proud of.


  • Start with a light sketch and gradually add more details.
  • Use a blending tool to create smooth shading.
  • Observe real apples to get an idea of the shape and texture.
  • Experiment with different perspectives to create a unique drawing.
  • Practice regularly to improve your skills.


Drawing an apple is a fun and satisfying way to improve your artistic skills. Use a pencil, eraser, and paper to create a beautiful drawing. Follow the step-by-step guide, experiment with shading and texture, and practice regularly to improve your skills.

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